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When Seizures Strike: A Story of Resilience, Love, and Hope

 By Stephen C. Schultz  As a father, I never anticipated seeing and emotionally supporting my daughter through 50 seizures a day, for days on end. Each seizure brings with it a stiffened left arm and leg, convulsing motions, eyes rolling back to the left, and her head contorting to the right. Her breathing stops for the duration. The most harrowing aspect is that she remains conscious and aware of her surroundings. She can hear people talking, but her body simply does what it does. After 15 to 30 seconds of not breathing, a panic begins to set in. What if the seizure doesn’t stop? It’s a horrific experience to endure time and time again. It is nothing short of torture, with the emotional and psychological trauma that accompanies it. There were four seizures in the car on the way to the emergency room, all within about 20 minutes. After 10 hours in the emergency room, she was admitted and immediately hooked up to an EEG. There was a computer screen displaying graphs and a video...
Recent posts

To Our Fellow Epilepsy Families: You Are Not Alone

 By Stephen C. Schultz From our family to yours, we want you to know—we see you. We know the fear, the exhaustion, the uncertainty. We’ve felt the long nights, the hospital stays, the prayers, and the unwavering hope. Epilepsy is a journey we never expected to walk, but along the way, we’ve found strength we never knew we had. Through this experience, we’ve also come to appreciate the power of compassion, support, and connection. As we’ve navigated this path, we’ve drawn upon not only our personal experiences but also our professional background in the mental health field. Having worked in mental health since 1985, I have encountered many of the great theorists who have shaped psychology and therapeutic care. My formal training as a drug and alcohol counselor has given me the opportunity to run groups, assess individuals in need, and support families through both painful interventions and joyful reunions. One of the pioneers in the field of psychology, Carl Rogers, deeply influence...

A Lesson in Humanity at 30,000 Feet

 By Stephen C. Schultz The voice was kind but direct and authoritative: “You two… are you together?” There was a look back and forth between the two, speaking volumes in a nonverbal way. “Is she talking to us?” “Come back here with me. Sit right here,” she said. The two young men complied without saying a word and sat right behind me. The woman, most likely in her late forties or early fifties, moved forward a few steps and instinctively reached down to pick up a toddler. The toddler, wide-eyed and looking all around, did not fuss or resist. In fact, she hunkered down on the lady’s hip and made eye contact with everyone as they moved gracefully up and down the aisle. I was impressed with the kindness and decorum demonstrated by this motherly figure, who was comfortable holding a toddler while fulfilling her duties as a flight attendant on a Delta flight from Monroe, Louisiana, to Atlanta, Georgia. She welcomed weary travelers onto the plane without missing a beat. The toddle...

Attachment Issues and Problematic Sexual Behavior: Understanding the Path to Healing

 By Stephen C. Schultz In the field of adolescent mental health, the link between attachment issues and Problematic Sexual Behavior (PSB) is profound yet often misunderstood. At Oxbow Academy, we recognize that many of the young men we serve struggle with early attachment disruptions that have contributed to their challenges with emotional regulation, relationship-building, and ultimately, sexual behavior. Understanding this connection is essential in providing effective treatment and long-term healing. The Impact of Attachment on Behavior Attachment—the deep, emotional bond formed between a child and their biological parent, adoptive parent, or foster parent—lays the foundation for future relationships, self-regulation, and personal identity. When this attachment is secure, children learn to trust, develop healthy boundaries, and navigate emotions effectively. However, when attachment is disrupted due to neglect, trauma, inconsistent caregiving, or other adverse experiences, ch...

Prioritizing You: Essential Self-Care Tips for Parents with a Son at Oxbow Academy

 By Stephen C. Schultz Supporting your teen at Oxbow Academy can be emotionally and mentally challenging for parents and family members. Here are five self-care tips to help navigate this time while staying healthy and grounded: 1. Prioritize Your Mental Health Why it matters: Having a child at Oxbow Academy can stir feelings of guilt, sadness, anxiety, or even past trauma. Addressing your emotions is crucial for maintaining balance and providing stable support for your teen. How to do it: Consider individual or family therapy to process your emotions. Join a support group for parents with children in treatment. Practice mindfulness or meditation to stay present. 2. Educate Yourself About the Oxbow Academy Process Why it matters: Understanding your teen’s treatment plan and Oxbow Academy’s structure reduces uncertainty and fosters a sense of control. How to do it: Stay in regular contact with the Oxbow therapist assigned to your family. Request reading materials or resou...

Oxbow Academy - A Case Observation

By Stephen C. Schultz Please allow me to share a case study of a student who was recently enrolled at Oxbow Academy. This student, a 15-year-old, was adopted at birth and reached developmental milestones at an average pace. The student was diagnosed with ASD Level 1 in fourth grade, and an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) was subsequently implemented for the remainder of elementary school. There were occasional episodes of dysregulation and some sexually reactive behaviors with peers. Teachers and other professionals attributed this behavior to ASD and/or Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD). At the age of 14, the student was referred to a residential treatment center (RTC) specializing in working with students struggling with ASD. The clinical data presented below is sourced from an email report written by the student’s therapist at Oxbow Academy and addressed to the referring professional. This communication is a standard practice to ensure continuity of care and collaboration. As y...

Timeless Stories: Exploring the Power of Evergreen Content - Part 2

By Stephen C. Schultz With the holidays just around the corner, Thanksgiving and Christmas decorations are making their way into stores and online sites, ready for the joyful holiday shopper! There is no shortage of creative commercial content and advertising being generated in various forms, including printed materials, online company websites, landing pages, and the ever-present social media platforms. Content is also being created in the form of reviews, third-party endorsements, and podcast advertising. The historical medium of "TV" has evolved significantly over the years, transitioning from film to video to digital recording, editing, and playback. Streaming live commercial, as well as personal video and audio content, is now commonplace in today’s world. Having been raised in the Pacific Northwest, I am very familiar with the term "evergreen," which refers to the lush trees and foliage that thrive in the temperate rainforests of western Oregon. In the worl...