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Showing posts from February, 2012

Tech Addiction: Fact or Fiction?

By Stephen C. Schultz As parents, we generally know if our kids are spending too much time with technology. Whether it is cell phones, computer, gaming or simply TV, kids will start to demonstrate attitudes and behaviors that parents may not agree with. Often there are concerns over grades, disrespectful attitude, seclusion or the need for constant attention from peers. This is a blog post by Chris Mulligan, LCSW . Chris is a clinician and faculty member at University of Southern California ( USC) . He specializes in teen Tech Addiction . Please check out: Teen Internet and Video Gaming Addiction: Your Cyber Addicted Child's Digital Diet : If your child is showing signs of compulsive behavior related to the i nternet or gaming, you will need to seek assistance through a trained professional.

Natural Horsemanship and Parenting – Similarities?

By Stephen C. Schultz When it comes to parenting techniques and styles, there is no shortage of clinical experts as well as self proclaimed self-help guru’s. There are books, webinars, CD’s and videos. These parenting resources offer help for everything from bedwetting to autism to substance abuse. Every parent knows there are times for obedience and there are times for compliance. But this is certainly not most of the time. Parenting is about relationships and mutual understanding. It’s about teaching and learning and growing together. However, as parents, we have life experience that our children and teens do not; therefore they are not our peers. Yet, parenting can be fun! Time spent at ballgames, vacations, dance performances, piano recitals and simply sitting around the dining room table create memories and shared experiences. It’s through meaningful time together that loving relationships are fostered and trust and respect is developed. Sometimes, regardless of the hom...

Adolescent Therapy - Is there an elephant in the room?

By Stephen C. Schultz Over the last year I have received about one call per month from different allied health professionals trying to get a student admitted to Oxbow Academy that is 18 yrs old or about to turn 18 in a few weeks. This is a problem because once a student is 18 yrs old, Oxbow cannot admit them because they are technically an "Adult". This last weekend I was communicating with a family that has a boy turning 18 in two weeks. He has some cognitive functioning deficits and functions at the level of a 13 yr old. He has a history of previously attending a wilderness therapy program where they addressed some substance abuse and depression . There was knowledge and a history of sexual concerns , but they were not addressed in the wilderness program . This family was set to bring him to Oxbow next week…he ran away. Should he end up in the adult legal system it will not be a good outcome for this boy or his family. We recently had a student come to Oxbow A...

International Boarding School...It's all about relationships!

By Stephen C. Schultz When teenagers start to struggle, the first thing to go are the relationships they have with parents, teachers, church leaders and other responsible adults in their lives. They tend to push those people away who really care the most. Teens will gravitate toward "friends" who they think "understand" them. They will often seek comfort, attention, entertainment and excitement from those who also rationalize their attitudes and behavior. There tends to be "Group Think" and a false sense of emotional security when teens are "Hanging" with like minded teens. Check out this short, fast paced video that showcases troubled teens working on healthy relationships at Discovery Academy ...

Resilience - "I will bend, but not break!"

By Stephen C. Schultz re·sil·ience Spelled [ri-zil-yuh ns] noun 1. The power or ability to return to the original form, position, after being bent, compressed, or stretched; elasticity. The day started out better than most. It was Saturday morning and a cool 64 degrees. I stepped out the back door and turned the sprinklers on. I glanced skyward to the sound of about 15 Canadian “honkers”, flying in the standard V formation. The sky was blue, not a cloud in sight. Fall time at 5000 feet is a beautiful time of year. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of a reflection beyond the fence and noticed a pool of water that did not represent the amount of time that the sprinklers were on. It was under a hemlock and I had never seen the water pool up like that before. So, I stepped around the fence to get a better look. I couldn’t see very well from my current vantage point and decided that the only way to get a good look was to dash into the yard…yes, I would get wet!...