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Showing posts from January, 2014

Should a teen ever leave his date at a party?

By Stephen C. Schultz The large Douglas fir trees stood as black silhouettes against the cotton-like sky, which glowed as the city lights reflected off the low, billowing clouds. A January mist hung in the air—more than fog but not quite rain. The moisture wrapped around you, cool and subtle, until you stepped into a home or building and suddenly realized you were wet. I was at the home of a friend of mine who happened to be a girl. We attended the same high school, had dated a few times, and enjoyed each other's company. While it wasn’t a serious relationship, it was a relationship nonetheless. Looking back, that evening started with a phone call. You know, the kind where I was sitting on the couch in the family room, talking on the phone connected to the kitchen by a thirty-foot phone cord. We discussed what we wanted to do that night. She mentioned that she had heard about a party taking place not far from where she lived and asked if I wanted to go. Although I wasn’t mu...

A Parent Narrative! "The Tricycle Tip-Over"

Guest Blogger By Stephanie Lauren Schultz “La, la, la, la, la.” Pam was humming to herself quietly as she pedaled her tricycle around the neighborhood. She weaved back and forth across the sidewalk, sped up and down driveways, and steered her way down the street. Being four years old, Pam’s tricycle was among her top five favorite possessions. When she got bored with her parents and other adults in her life, she could always hop on her tricycle and ride around the neighborhood. One particular day, while riding her tricycle, Pam decided to try something new. The road leading into her driveway was a hill. She figured the best way to gain the most speed would be to start at the top of the hill and pedal as fast as she could into her driveway. “Ready, set, GO!” Pam said to herself. She started down the hill slowly at first but quickly gained speed. After a few yards, Pam felt like she was flying. The wind was ripping through her hair, and she experienced that rush of adrenaline that c...

The Fireworks of Family Interactions

Guest Blogger Jared C. Schultz, PhD (Editor’s note: This is a piece written by my brother. It is an actual occurrence from our childhood. I have posted this because it is a fun memory, and I encourage others to write and share their own memories with family. Please enjoy!) The boy—a young man, really—stepped from the shower. Wrapped in an ill-smelling towel grabbed off the floor, he began his daily hygiene routine: deodorant, brushing teeth, and a small dab of antifungal cream in places he refused to talk about. It was a unique time in this young man’s life, as he had just returned from an outing with friends. Not an outing of ordinary happenstance, but one of significant, life-altering proportions. He had broken the law. Family, Relationships, Humor It was probably not the first time in his short, fairly trouble-free life growing up in Eugene, Oregon, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. A whimsical smile creased the corners of his mouth as he examined his reflection in the ste...

Bullying has simply got to stop!

By Stephen C. Schultz Many may look at the title of this post and say, “Yeah… right! Like that will ever happen!” Yes, it is true—bullying, in some form or another, has affected people since the time of Cain and Abel . For those who don’t ascribe to any particular religious worldview, I will simply say that bullying has manifested itself throughout the ages. Bullying As a small child of five or six, I had a bully approach me a few times as I rode my bike to school. One time, he took my bike and rode away. Another time, he pushed me into the gutter and started punching me. While it was somewhat traumatic at the time, I had a loving and supportive family who helped me realize that the bully was the one with problems and that I was a courageous, kind, and likable boy. Bullying may come from kids at school, teens on the internet, or thugs playing the “knockout game.” It takes place in classrooms, playgrounds, sports arenas, and workplaces. The purpose of this post isn’t to explore th...