By Stephen C. Schultz
Over the past few years, I have regularly received calls from clinicians, attorneys, and educational consultants about clients and students of theirs who are struggling with sexual concerns.
These concerns often involve the excessive use of technology to access pornography. There is also the phenomenon of “sexting,” which raises concerns. Some students may be struggling with ASD or other developmental issues that exacerbate certain behaviors. It’s not uncommon for me to receive a call about a teen who is inappropriately exploring sexual behavior with siblings, cousins, or friends.
Often, there has also been a history of trauma or abuse. Most actions are reactive or exploratory in nature. Most teens aren’t “criminals” in any way, shape, or form. They are simply trying to make sense of a society that does little to curb the promotion of early sexualization yet responds with heavy condemnation when social boundaries are disturbed.
For this reason, I have compiled a list of articles and posts from my blog that address the treatment and understanding of teens and families battling sexual trauma, abuse, and addiction. I hope you find this resource helpful.
- Teen Sexual Concerns & Therapeutic Insight
- Battling the storms of teenage Problematic Sexual Behavior (PSB)
- Guiding the Discussion of PSB with Families
- Oxbow Academy - Credible Voices
- Oxbow Academy - A Case Observation
- The Healing Arms of Mother Nature
- Journalist Explores Teen Sex Addiction
- The polygraph...A lie detector or clinical tool?
- Is the “News Media” Trustworthy?
- Families, Fun & Teen Frustration
- Hiding in Plain Sight
- Teens and Sexual Dependency: A Helpful Option for Parents
- Oxbow Academy – Unintended Consequences
- Pornography: Normal Curiosity or Virtual Addiction?
- When Problematic Sexual Concerns Plague Your Teen
- Adolescent Therapy: Is There an Elephant in the Room?
- Autism Spectrum Disorder and Teenage Sexual Development: Where Can a Parent Turn with Concern?
- Teen Sexual Issues: A New Treatment Approach
- Troubled Teens "Fish" for Solutions!
- Hope for Teens with Sexual Concerns
- Teenagers and Pornography: A New Look
- Family Secrets: A True Story of Courage
- Teens and Pornography: The Frightening New Addiction
- Troubled Teens "Picture" Success
- You’re Not Alone! The Growing Concern of Problematic Sexual Behavior (PSB) in Youth
- International Boarding School...It's all about relationships!
- Pornography - Simple Teenage Right of Passage or Harmful Addiction?
New Help! New Hope! No Secrets!