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Showing posts from May, 2015

Vertical Thinking - A New Therapeutic Insight For Teens

By Stephen C. Schultz Vertical thinking is a problem-solving approach that involves a logical, step-by-step process to reach a solution. It is characterized by: Structured Reasoning : Following a sequential path, where each step builds on the previous one. Focus on Accuracy : Emphasizing correctness and adherence to established rules or patterns. Analytical Approach : Breaking down problems into smaller parts and analyzing them systematically. Exclusion of Alternatives : Narrowing down options rather than exploring diverse possibilities. Please allow me to introduce you to Oxbow Academy. The administration team has been working with teens who demonstrate Problematic Sexual Behaviors (PSB) since 2001. The very specialized and clinically sophisticated evaluation process of Oxbow was launched in 2007. Oxbow offers treatment for sex specific issues and provides evidence based and data informed care for each student. Oxbow Academy is on the cutting edge of research and ...

The Adventures of Little Kids & Big Trees

By Stephen C. Schultz The clouds were low and gray. A few drops tapped the bill of my hat as I pushed the mower along the edge of the sidewalk. The smell of damp cut grass filled the air and a slight breeze blowing from the west let me know a rain shower was on its way. It was the middle of the morning and I felt a bit of pressure to get the lawn mowed before the storm rolled in. So, I was focused and moving at a little quicker pace than normal. I looked up and saw three of the neighbor kids climbing in one of my trees. I kept the mower going and moved closer to the tree. On my way towards them, they noticed that I saw them. They looked away and then glanced back at me with that childhood curiosity that screams; “Is he going to tell us to get down? Are we going to get in trouble? Will he tell our parents?” In the fifty feet it took me to get to the tree, I also had a flood of thoughts. I recalled many instances in my childhood climbing trees and having make-belie...

5 Reasons young adults struggle to stay in treatment

By Stephen C. Schultz Many young adults in today’s society, those who are 18 to 26 years old, find themselves contemplating mental health treatment of some kind. This self- realization comes to them because they are struggling in college to maintain good grades while partying throughout the week. There are some who simply flunk out of school and go back to live with mom and dad. Still others graduate high school, live with their parents and move from job to job never really making that transition into adulthood. When partying and gaming take over their lives, these young adults start getting pressure from family to turn their life around. Their behaviors start to affect family relationships .  They may also suffer from bouts with depression, anxiety or other emotional issues that are symptomatic of their situation. It turns into the typical “Failure to Launch” syndrome. When things get bad enough or when there is enough pressure from family to take care of the...

Discovery Academy - College Prep For Struggling Teens

By Stephen C. Schultz Join us as we travel through an education paradigm shift! We at Discovery Academy have one of the most innovative education systems anywhere. Spend a couple of minutes with us and see what we do at Discovery Academy. When you think of academic delivery, what do you think of? We often think of classrooms, teachers, lectures, chalkboards, projectors, tests, semesters, class periods and ringing bells. There are hall monitors, food fights, tardy slips and cramped lockers.  In this traditional setting, time is the constant; 5 days a week, 16 weeks a semester, 2 semesters a year, summer vacation. Again, Time is the constant…Learning is the variable. What if we flipped this concept on its head…reversing the equation? What happens when Time is the variable and Learning is the constant? Students enter our system at different levels of competence and mastery in each subject. In our competency based learning system, students work with ce...