By Stephen C. Schultz “The polygraph is not what you think it is. It is not a lie detector machine... there is no such thing as a lie detector machine... and the polygraph is not one.” ~ John Pickup, Polygraph Examiner Over the years, Oxbow Academy has consistently had to answer one question: “Why do you use the polygraph?” To provide an effective answer, it is important to understand the student population at Oxbow Academy. Oxbow works with students who have engaged in Problematic Sexual Behavior (PSB). This behavior can take many forms and affect students in different ways. The one common factor is that it has impacted the student’s life—or the lives of their family members—in a chronically dysfunctional and unhealthy way. The students at Oxbow have often lived a life of secrets and manipulation. Their parents don’t trust them, and they frequently feel trapped in an unhealthy family dynamic. Prior to enrolment at Oxbow, parents and mental health professionals regularly mention ...
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