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Showing posts from January, 2018

A Mothers Wish

Guest Blog By Suzy Moon (Editor’s Note: This is an experience that was recently shared with me. I received an email from a colleague of mine. It is heartfelt and raw. It flows from the soul of a mother who is trying, like the rest of us, to make sense of this earthly existence. I share this with permission from my friend and colleague. She only hopes that by sharing this experience, it can help to lighten the burden of another who reads it.) “I have a son who is 24 years old.  He is funny, talented and kind.  He also has autism.  He is a great kid. Earlier this week, I dropped him off at a residential home for high functioning autistic adults. During the orientation, Josh cried for 35 minutes. I don’t remember the last time I saw Josh cry.  I think it has been over 20 years. He’s not emotional like I am.  It broke my heart. I saw some parallels to the parents who bring their kids to our programs.  I know that the time Josh spends at Sce...