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Holiday Insight...When Relationships Matter

By Stephen C. Schultz

The high-pitched whirring sound traveled through space and time. It was both annoying and comforting—a dichotomy that came around once a year. My senses were bombarded, mostly through sound and smell. There was the constant chatter about the local collegiate football team, the sweet aroma of apple pie baking in the oven, a turkey and sage combo simmering in the roasting pan, and the whirring of the beaters whipping up the mashed potatoes.

Yes, the holidays are upon us once again. The holidays are a time for families to gather together—a time for reunions to be made and relationships to be strengthened. Some of my fondest memories are of sitting at the proverbial “kids' table” at Thanksgiving with my siblings and cousins. We would run around the house while our parents talked and caught up. As kids, we would dash past the relish tray, grabbing celery stuffed with Cheez Whiz. Next, we’d raid the olives and stick them on our fingertips. There was never a shortage of fun to be had.

Over the years, as I have had my own children, we have continued some of the same traditions. However, through my chosen profession, it has become apparent that not all families look forward to the holidays. In fact, some families find themselves dealing with painful memories of years past and a lack of hope for a better future.

But there is hope! When family interactions trigger a trauma response, the resulting drama and dysregulation can quickly derail any gathering. Below are a couple of links to articles that may be helpful:

Hope for Teens with Sexual Concerns

When Problematic Sexual Concerns Plague Your Teen

For more information on how Oxbow Academy assists families through the delayed struggles associated with early childhood trauma, check out our website here: 


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